The Driver Syndicate/Level Editor/Level Objects

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Revision as of 21:00, 31 January 2023 by Jellysoap (talk | contribs)
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Level Objects tool is used to place various models as structural objects on level and also to add dynamic/gameplay objects to bring a life and variety to the city.

Controls for viewport

  1. Left hold and drag: places objects (when Tiled placement is On)
  2. Right hold and drag: removes objects (when Tiled placement is On)
  3. Right click on model: brings up context menu
  4. Space: rotate 90 degrees for placement
  5. Control + Left click: toggle selection
  6. Control + Space: duplicate selection
  7. ESC: cancel selection
  8. DEL: deletes selection
  9. G: movement mode
  10. R: rotation mode
  11. T toggles between tiled and non-tiled placement mode.
  12. N: set the name of object (for scripting purposes like freeride_spawn on the spawn_point.egf)

Model Bar

Model bar shows all models and game objects available for placement on the level.

  1. Use left click to select model/object you want to place
  2. Right click: brings up a context menu where you can rename objects, import over them, and change properties like is ground or drivable.

Right panel

  1. Import: import your models with this. Formats are .esm .obj and .fbx
  2. Replace: bulk replace models with another model on the level.

Context menu

  1. Select all objects in this region: Selects all instances of model/game object on mouse over region.
  2. Remove model: as the name implies, and that will also delete all instances on the level.
  3. Refresh Preview: refreshes the preview for that model
  4. Properties: shows the model properties, here you can select flags such as collide, drivable etc.
  5. Rename model: change name of the model
  6. Import new model over this: Lets you import and replace with a new model.
  7. Save as OBJ: for easy editing of the models if you lose the original model files.
  8. Flip faces: flips normals of the mesh. Useful for objects that could be imported incorrectly (but this is fixable in blender as well).