The Driver Syndicate/Level Editor/Roads

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Viewport controls

  1. Holding Left Mouse: paint road cell.
  2. Right mouse: Brings up context menu
  3. Holding Middle mouse: draws a line, with large roads this is faster than placing down cell by cell.
  4. Space: rotate 90 degrees toggling between north, south, west, and east.
  5. T: cycles between types. (straight road, junction, parking, pavement/pedestrian)

Context menu

Shows road ID and allows to perform some quick operations on road

road context menu that appears when rightclick on roads
  1. Remove all road cells - removes all neighbour cells of highlighted road
  2. Toggle one way or two way
  3. Apply to all tiles - applies current direction and rotation to neighbour road cells
  4. Reverse
  5. Propeties

Properties window

road properties window
  1. Traffic is disabled option. Disables traffic for the specified road ID
  2. Speedlimit. Sets the speedlimit these are in kph.
  3. Left bound parking
  4. Right bound parking
  5. No Left turn
  6. No Right turn
  7. Middle lane is disabled. (use this for large roads with center medians. Paint on the center median)