The Driver Syndicate/Vehicles/Vehicle Zones
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Vehicle Zones are used to define named vehicle sets for the level.
Currently it's not possible to set vehicle zones to other than default yet but with ongoing road system refactoring it's coming true soon.
Making Vehicle Zones
Each level/city can have it's own unique sets of vehicles. Vehicle zones are defined in the file located in next path:
<Addon Folder>/scripts/levels/<Level Name>_vehiclezones.def
For default level it is going to be located in GameData/scripts/levels/default_vehiclezones.def
For parking level it is going to be located in GameData/scripts/levels/parking_vehiclezones.def
If your city is in early stages of development or for some reason it does not have vehicle zones, the game will fall back for default one.
File Structure
Example of vehiclezones.def file:
copcar "cop_regis";
rollo 0;
mustang 0;
mustang_f 0;
carla 0;
torino 0;
taxi 5;
ranchero 5;
k5 8;
van 15;
cop_regis 20;
vette 15;
van 10;
ranchero 0;
k5 2;
suburban 5;
rollo 0;
In this example:
- default and outskirts are representing zone names. Currently only default is used and IT DOES NOT represent a level name.
- rollo, mustang, carla, van etc are the vehicle script names that are spawned for that zones
- numbers are represeting the spawn interval which also determines the rarity of traffic in a level.
- copcar sets the cop car script globally for the level