The Driver Syndicate/Level Editor/Paths

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Paths editor allows you to edit line segment paths which could be used for scripted objects and ambient sounds

Currently it's mainly used for ambient sound paths but it can be used for other types of scripted objects.

Making a new path

You can either create a new path set or edit existing by pressing Open button (you'll be prompted with file open dialog)

  1. Press Create button to make a new path in the set, you'll be prompted with a window to enter a name. Press OK and a new path will appear in the list
  2. Double click on the heightfield, a box will appear. Then click in another place and you will see that line appear
  3. Use gizmo to adjust path points.
  4. Use Ctrl+Left click to toggle selection of the points. You can press ESC to deselect all points
  5. Once done press Save in the path editor.

Note: When making soundpaths via path editor, or sound domains with blocktool be mindful of region dividers, you can't have paths or domains that are too big between regions, you will need to separate them into separate paths/domains.

Editing existing path

Simply double click on item in the list of the path set and you will the path was highlighted with green in viewport.

You can also select path you want to edit by selecting one of it's points.

  1. Pressing ESC will deselect points and pressing it twice will deselect the path.
  2. Pressing Delete will delete selected points of the path

Sound paths

Sound paths are special scripted objects that acting like ambient sounds by creating sound source that follows player view by that path.

To make your sound path audible:

  1. place sound_path object
  2. make sure it has same name as one from the list.

This will link that object to the sound path you created and it will sound in-game.